Friday, December 7, 2012

Finding My Way

I say this every time I return but oh how I miss writing, and I have neglected that part of my soul, among many others.

This time in my life along with the Holidays being upon us has me thinking a lot about change and what lies ahead, also shaking myself and though glancing down the road ahead can't hurt, I really need to remind myself to be RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW.

It's strange (for me) to say at 31 that I am still just scratching the surface of who I really am and what I really want, and what I really could do ad be.  It's exciting, overwhelming and terrifying all at the same time.

I have sort of started a list......

1) I want to become a photographer.  To really learn it, if nothing else to capture those precious moments for my family and friends.

2) I want to write a book.  I love writing and so love words, I wish I could eat them up.

3) If I were to really get a degree in anything I think it would serve my soul best to be a counselor or social worker or something like that.  I feel best when I am of service to others.

4) I want a relationship with God/Spirit/Source, call it whatever you want, but I want to walk with it in my daily life and I don't have that yet

5) I want to begin and sustain a meditation practice

6) I want to study Yoga, become a yogi

7) I want to help people, even if it's just to help them smile more (also see #3)

I will probably come back and periodically add to it, but here I can start, feed your soul.  Love yourself like your life depeds upon it Mia.