Thursday, April 26, 2012


Not just the color per se, but I look around my life recently and it lacks a life, a fire.  Something for me to be passionate about, for me (besides the obvious, my family of course).  I need something for me to say, yeah that's what I love.  There are many things I love but haven't found my avenue of expression yet.  I am looking to take a photography course this fall as well as start my yoga practice (that's me practicing yoga, not opening a studio)

I am so impatient I want the fire and passion and joy in my belly to ignite and lead me in the right direction in MY journey NOW! (think Veruca Salt)

Must practice patience and take small steps towards breathing life back into Mia.

God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me.  ~Author Unknown

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Sometimes a girls gotta cry

I can't believe it's been so long since I have returned to write.  Every time I do I remember how much I miss it, and how theraputic it is for me.  So much has happened in the past few months.  I don't feel compelled to talk about any of it though.

As I sit here, thinking about what exactly it is I want to write, to purge, to get off my chest, all that comes to mind is I want to cry.  My shoulders and heart are heavy.  I have been putting on the strong face for so long I just want to cry.  Sometimes life is just to much.  Gotta be strong, gotta put on the good face for the kids, gotta go to work and smile.  Well right now, this is my moment and I am going to let myself hurt.  Let myself feel all the stuff I have been stuffing down.  Let the wounds show. I keep seeing this on Pinterest.....
I'm done trying.......just for today I give myself permission to hurt.