Sunday, June 29, 2014

Who Ya Doin' It For?

So much on my mind lately.  I feel as though so many ideas to write about swirl around in my head so quickly I need to take a notebook with me EVERYWHERE I go but then I feel i maybe constantly writing in the notebook. Catch 22? I think I'll try it as some ideas are fleeting and life is busy and sometimes they are forgotten and never make it into the written word. I babble.

With all the press and the now Viral Always commercial/campaign #likeagirl, I had to talk about it.  As many of you it came to me on my Facebook feed and I had no idea what to expect.  I cried.  When I showed my 7 year old, she cried.  It may be a bit early for her to grasp that time in our lives as young women when all the rightfully built in self-worth and confidence is torn to shreds (for most of us) through the process puberty, society, our peers etc.  I went through it.  To this day I am working on regaining it.  I've gone through my own battles, starting as early as 6.  I won't say more than most because we are all fighting our own battles.  But my battles continue.  I continue to berate myself, have a poor self body image, lack confidence and tell myself constantly "you can't do it".  I don't try, because then I can't fail.  Stupid right? Well there have been a lot of wake up calls recently, the largest has two beautiful feet with 10 perfect toes and is a towhead just like I was at her age.  All it takes is action right.  That first step in MY journey.  If you've read my Blog or know me, you know I've been talking about it for YEARS.  It's my time, my time to DO.  Leaf turning, first foot.  I have two beautiful blue eyes looking up to me and I will not fail her.  I have been not trying because my motivation lied with pleasing my Dad or acceptance of society or the itty bitty mommy committee that I am not cool enough to be a member of.  Well F*** them.  It's my time bitches.  My Bug will not tell me she thinks she is fat anymore.  she will not hear it out of my mouth anymore.  Body Hate Stops Here! Time to cleanse mind body and soul.  DO FOR ME AND THOSE BEAUTIFUL BLUE EYES I MADE.  Because Life Is Too Beautiful