Thursday, September 30, 2010

Today Was A Good Day

Thank You Thursday

Rain can clean so much up....

The weather today was amazing.  The humidity in the air, the rainfall and the sun peeking out through so much of the clouds.  With the days I have had recently, it felt like the rain couldn't have come at a better time (of course, it came exactly when it was supposed to).  Not only do I love the rain, but the smell in the air and the feel of things after a rain is so clean and new and again...hopeful....

Our rainy day was spent with a little work, a quiet nap with my Bug (she slept, I read) and a walk to take a look at the sky...come to think of it, I think we will go down to the Marina to say goodnight and thank you to today...

A Room With A View

Monday, September 27, 2010

Beware: Falling Moods

Stress, fatigue, illness, injury, all the changes in the world seemingly happening at once...all are contributing factors to my mood as of now I would assume.  It's not a pretty picture, but I deal.  I have to find a new groove.  I have stepped out of everything I have known and been comfortable with for so long and it is scary.  I will not beat myself up or berate myself for the way I am feeling because it is what it is.  I cannot, nor do I feel as if I NEED to be happy-go-lucky ALL of the time.  This is a down period.  A sad period, a stressful period...and this too shall pass...

As for now, right now, this moment, I will ALLOW myself to feel the sadness, the sickness and the pain.  I will not fight it.  I will still smile when I hear Bug laugh.  I will still go to work and enjoy watching others enjoy themselves (which I genuinely enjoy).  I will allow the acclimation and adjustments both internally and externally to come, because I know they their own time.  I must crawl before I can walk, and I am learning a new way to live my life...

Speaking Words Of Wisdom...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Change Is In The Air

Southern California and fall has crept up on us.  The slight chill in the air...the trees have yet to start their changing but oh how I look forward to that.  The leaves in their brilliant colors of orange and yellow always make me smile.

So this, and life in general has me thinking about change.  There are constant changes in our lives, big and small. Work, kids, pets, living situations, friends coming and going, sanity coming and going.  I suppose how we deal with all of these, really says something about who we are and where we are in our lives.  I often feel as though I am back to square one with a lot of things in my life.  This can be perfectly overwhelming and disappointing upon first thought or glance, but when circumstances are mulled over a bit more delicately....other things come into the light.  Things like possibility, opportunity to start anew, hope for the unknown and the willingness to allow the unknown to sit a bit inside scary as that may be.  It is a struggle for me, minute to minute I will not lie.  But for now, the knowledge that the unknown doesn't have to be ALL scary, that in an instant, if I shift my thoughts or perspective it can be exciting and hopeful. 

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Unexpected, So Ofen A Welcome Surprise

So much that has gone on lately in my life has brought about the unexpected.  I suspect life would generally be sort of boring if only the expected occurred.  I have noticed lately that I have a tendency to control things, to hold on to things and in some cases hold on (squeeze) so tightly that it ruins whatever good could really ever come from it.  So I have consciously been making an effort to let go.  Something my Mom has tried to teach me my WHOLE life thus far. I know Mom, it's taken a bit but I'm trying. 

Surprisingly,ever since I've been trying to be mindful of letting things happen, letting go of controlling or fixing a situation, welcome and unexpected things have been flooding into my life.  It's almost to a point I feel as though the air I am breathing is different.  Like I've been asleep for so long and finally I am awake and experiencing things again.  Life feels good.  I will continue to allow his process to unfold....hopefully with more unexpected surprises down the road.

Later that day I got to thinking about relationships. There are those that open you up to something new and exotic, those that are old and familiar, those that bring up lots of questions, those that bring you somewhere unexpected, those that bring you far from where you started, and those that bring you back. But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

When The Other Side Of Life Smacks You In The Face

I am an idealist.  I am a dreamer.  I believe in the good in people.  I believe that one day there can be peace in the world.  I trust people inherently.  Sometimes this outlook does not always work out for me.  It's hard to bring together that side of me that just believes people mean to do good and the reality that sometimes sneaks up on you and disappoints you.  It makes me lose some faith in the human race.  I want so badly to pass on my hope and idealism to my daughter but I guess, as her Dad has pointed out sometimes, you need to show her a bit of the reality too.  How do I do that without squishing hope and dreams for a bright beautiful world?  There is so much beauty out there and so much to smile at that I suppose these smudges here and there need to be looked at as just that.  Small little dirty marks on life that shouldn't tarnish your outlook as a whole.  But man, I am being tested today.

I am grateful for the family that surrounds us that helps us remember that there is so much good in people, and the support group of friends that continues to grow.  I haven't had that in awhile. 

Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.  ~William Shakespeare

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Things Are Meant To Be

People have told me recently,if you can make yourself open to life as it comes, what you need will present itself.  I am finding that to be oh so true in my life.  Rather than trying to make something happen or force things, just allowing things to come to me when life decides it's time.

Today a quote of inspiration from Osho presented itself to me:

No-Thought for the Day: There is no need of competition with anybody. You are yourself, and as you are, you are perfectly good. Accept yourself.

I have been thinking a lot about this lately.  In my quest to rid my life of all "toxins" both mental and physical, I have noticed that I constantly compare myself and my situation to others and then beat myself up for not being this or doing that and it's really awful.  It's also unnecessary. It's an awful habit I at least recognize.  Now I can be mindful and work on it.  

I am grateful for becoming more open to receiving what I need in my life, and I am grateful for those with so much wisdom to impart.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Books, Music, Running and Silence

I wish I could absorb books.  Ingest them.  there is so much out there I really want to read but life happens and it seems like there is so little time to dedicate to just delving into all these wonderful books I surround myself with.  This is something I am trying to be more mindful of.  It goes along with taking time out for me. 

It's also as if the music finding its way to my ears right now was written for me, right now in my life.  I love that feeling.  Music speaking to me.  I have missed that.  It sort of breathes new life into me.  Much Needed.

Running....who knew.  I love it.  It just took me doing it, then doing it again....and then again.  I feel incomplete now if I don't get that movement into my day.  I must keep at it.  For health and sanity sake.  Plus, it's something I get to do myself.

The one thing I took for granted before having a child was silence.  I miss it so much.  In this crazy world it's hard but I am trying to find more and more of it, whether I seek it out or I just am mindful of the moments when they present themselves. 

Must be mindful.