Monday, May 6, 2013

Progress, However Minimal Is Still Forward Motion

I got to thinking earlier today about how quick I am each morning upon waking to kick myself for what I did, said, ate, how I behaved, not having enough patience, not being present enough.  But it occurred to me as I was silently berating myself, saying something like "how ridiculous you are to have to begin again each day, for your failures the day before".  Then I looked at the sentence ridiculous you are to have to begin again each day, for your failures the day before.  There, that's better.  I've been kicking myself for years for what, not being THERE yet? I am a work in progress and dag nab it progress has been made.  Sometimes two steps forward and one step back, for sure but still forward.   And that I can think differently something like, good for you for not sitting down and giving up on your path of growth in the face of imperfection and obstacles.  And how lovely a thought, to begin again each day, or continue to grow.  What a beautiful dance it is to grow.  I must recognize it more.