Wednesday, November 24, 2010


It's a rough time of year.  These Holiday's always bring about great warmth and memories, yes, however it reminds me of family members that are no longer with us.  No longer here to share these times and continue making memories as people and families grow.

I think of my Grandpa Gates.  He passed when I was very young but I remember what a light he was in my family.  He was the bright spot.

I remember Grandma Hylton.  She passed right before thanksgiving.  I am thankful that after her passing I actually came to understand her and appreciate the things she tried to teach me when she was alive.  I should have paid better attention then, but at least I know now and she and I have made peace with each other.  I often think of when I will see her again and how we will only need to smile at one another and all will be understood.

then I think of Grandpa Hylton.  You may remember him from a previous post.  He just turned 91, but I have begun to mourn him already due to his choice to disown his three sons and myself at the hands of the witch he calls a wife.  I am thankful for the time I had with him, pre-witch.

I am thankful for my Mom and her continuous support and guidance in my emotional growth.

I am thankful for the relationship I have with my Dad now, as it was not always a good one.

I am thankful for the dog I adopted as he was absolutely THE dog that was meant to be in my life for so many reasons.

I am so very thankful for my Hailey Bug for teaching me what true unconditional love is.  For helping me learn patience (don't get me wrong, I haven't mastered that one yet), and for just being her.

I am thankful for those in my life who have given of themselves without expecting anything in return.  For those who have been there to help me (emotionally, physically and financially)

I am thankful for my job and all the amazing people I get to work with everyday and how much fun I get to have there.

I am thankful for extended family and support offered through difficult times.

I am thankful for my breath, my health, shelter, food, the sun and the moon.

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