Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Endings, Beginnings, and Continuings

As the end of the school year approaches, it makes me start to think about life and how quickly it goes.  How we MUST remember to SLOW DOWN and take in the moments that will imprint on our hearts and souls forever.

 It's such a cliche' but it seems like only yesterday I was holding her hand walking her into her first day of Kindergarten.

It seems like it was only yesterday I looked into Jeremy's handsome face, and met Charlie's smirk (which matches his Dad's)

It seems like only yesterday I committed, or re-committed to making me and my health a priority (wait that was actually yesterday :)

The bad news is time flies by us, life goes fast
The good news is....only if we let it.

This is one reason photography is (has been) a passion of mine, because you capture moments that you can steal a moment and look back at, and remember...the feeling

A lot has changed over the past year and a half of my life.  Some things have ended (thankfully)or are coming to an end (sadly).  Some things have begun (thankfully) and I am lucky enough to say that through it all I have had and have gained some amazing, supportive, positive, wonderful people.  And that is a lot of what life is about for me. 

Step outside, and feel the wonderfulness of the sun hit your skin and think about just exactly how LUCKY YOU ARE!

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